The Ice occurrence is located on the south east side of Pykett Creek, approximately 300 metres north east of its mouth on Ashlu Creek.
The area of the Ice occurrence is underlain by granodiorite of the Jurassic Cloudburst pluton of the Coast Plutonic Complex (Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F). A major northwest trending shear zone of Cretaceous age, the Ashlu Creek shear zone, occurs to the immediate west. Mineralization is reported to occur in sheared fractures and in several types of veins.
Locally, shear zones associated with a predominant fracture set striking 081 degrees and dipping 60 degrees north, commonly contain pyrite, chalcopyrite, quartz, magnetite and actinolite. The shears range in width from several centimetres up to 15 centimetres and have been traced along surface for up to 20 metres. Significant gold assays were derived from samples of these shear zones.
The most spectacular mineralized vein is exposed in an open cut where a 17 centimetre wide quartz vein contains massive pyrite and massive chalcopyrite and assays up to 156.62 grams per tonne gold and 309.49 grams per tonne silver. Values up to 4.46 grams per tonne gold were obtained from chip samples taken from the granodiorite in the footwall and hanging wall of the vein. A weighted average of three samples gave values of 19.58 grams per tonne gold and 36.55 grams per tonne silver across a width of 1.67 metres (Assessment Report 7844).
There are two short adits on the property that apparently date back to the early 1920's. Two tons of hand-sorted ore reportedly contained 171.43 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 7844).
The No.1 adit, only a few metres long, appears to have been driven along a 8 to 10 centimetre wide structure, striking 250 degrees and dipping 50 degrees and consisting of white quartz with irregular blebs and slashes of pyrite along with chlorite and epidote gangue. In 1980, a sample (M19) from a trench near the No.1 adit assayed 3.8 grams per tonne gold and 19.6 grams per tonne silver over 0.81 metres (Assessment Report 08967). In 2009, a grab sample (751073) of dump material assayed 17.4 grams per tonne gold and 28 grams per tonne silver along with anomalous bismuth and tellurium; while a chip sample (751074) of nearly massive chalcopyrite from the “open cut” assayed 14.1 per cent copper, 173 grams per tonne silver and 25.47 grams per tonne gold over 0.15 metre (Assessment Report 31343).
A quartz, epidote, magnetite, pyrite vein system is exposed 20 metres north of the No.1 adit. In 1980, a sample (M25) assayed 42.6 grams per tonne gold and 20.6 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 08967).
The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Ashlu mine (MINFILE 092GNW013). During 1979 through 1983, Mar-Gold Resources completed programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping, trenching and diamond drilling. During 2009 through 2012, Ashlu Mines completed a program of rock, soil and silt sampling on the area.