The Rite 1 showing is located 40 kilometres southwest of Nanaimo on the east side of Green Creek.
The area is underlain by volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Devonian Duck Lake Formation, Sicker Group which have been intruded by Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. These comprise tuff, chert, argillite, diorite and granodiorite. A broad zone of imbricate faulting and shearing is present and exposures of fault breccia, intense shearing and alteration occur.
In 1987 and 1988, Roap Resources completed programs of soil, rock, and silt geochemical surveys, geological mapping, geophysical surveys and a seven hole diamond drill program, totalling 1002.0 metres on the Rush, Sicker (092F 467) and Nan (092F 447) claims. This work identified four target areas characterized by gold, silver, arsenic, copper and molybdenite mineralization hosted in quartz-sulphide veins within quartz-ankerite, sericite, fuchsite and hematite bearing shear zones. The main target has a strike length of 3.2 kilometres with widths up to 1 kilometre, within which a series of 10 to 100 metre wide alteration sequences occur. The molybdenum showings occur to the south of the Rite 1 claim on the Rite 2 claim (092C 109) and the Close occurrence (092C 112).
Anomalous gold mineralization occurs in pyritic quartz and quartz-carbonate veins up to 0.20 metres wide. The veins are associated with the imbricate fault and shear zone which is up to 2.2 kilometres long and 1 kilometre wide. The zone is characterized by abundant localized intense quartz-ankerite-limonite-sericite-hematite and epidote alteration.
In 1988, a chip sample (TN9-5) taken across 10 centimetres of a rusty quartz vein, on the Laura claim, assayed up to 25 per cent pyrite and 6.48 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18635). In the southern portion of the Rite 1 claim, veins containing up to 4 per cent pyrite, trace malachite and trace chalcopyrite are slightly anomalous in gold, silver and copper.
In 1991, Goldbank Ventures Ltd. completed a program of prospecting, trenching, geological mapping and geochemical sampling on the Green Group. A trench chip sample, sample 602, from the Hayes 2 vein assayed 160.1 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 21691)
Mineralization along the same trend, from a parallel vein/shear system, is exposed on the adjacent Rush/Sicker property (092F 446, 092F 467).