The Sicker showing is located just east of the north tip of Fourth Lake. The area is underlain by a northwest dipping succession of sediments and volcanics of the Paleozoic Sicker and Buttle Lake groups. This is truncated to the west by granodiorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. Disseminated and fracture- filled pyrite and minor chalcopyrite occur in quartz-filled veins within cherts, tuffs, cherty tuffs and sediments and sericitic schist. Minor skarn occurs along the igneous contact.
An 8 centimetre wide fracture zone containing pyrite cuts meta- graphitic argillaceous chert, likely of the Carboniferous Fourth Lake Formation (Myra Formation). A grab sample assayed 0.1 per cent copper and 0.1 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 15452).
A sample of diorite with disseminated chalcopyrite, taken in 1965, 500 metres to the south-southwest, assayed 0.3 per cent copper (Property File - Laanela, 1965).
Exploration in 1988 revealed a broad 800 metre wide northwest trending zone of ankeritic alteration most likely associated with shearing. The zone extends from the northern boundary of the Sicker 2 claim to the Staking Reserve boundary on the Rush 3 claim. In addition to quartz and quartz-carbonate veining, local pods of ar- senopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and magnetite were noted. Visible gold was observed in drill core from the northwestern corner of the Rush 3 claim; this sample over 0.59 metres assayed 2.93 grams per tonne gold, 3.2 grams per tonne silver and 0.04 per cent copper (Assessment Report 17600).