Bibliography |
EM EXPL 2000-25-32
EMPR EXPL 1978-E133; 1977-E115,E116; 1975-E103
EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp. 257-265
EMPR GEM *1974, pp. 183-188
EMPR OF 1988-28; 1990-3
EMPR PF (*Various sketches, maps, drill sections, drill logs, assays,
photographs and report on the Bolivar property; Washington State
University, Observations on the Occurrence of Gold, 1985; T.
Schroeter, Property Examination, 1987)
GSC EC GEOL 3, pp. 86-102
GSC MAP 1386A; 17-1968
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50
GSC SUM RPT 1924 Part A, pp. 106-144
GCNL #89, 1987; #59, 1985; #18, 1984
NAGMIN Feb.15, 1984
EMPR PFD 900001, 7781, 7782, 7784, 7785, 7786, 7787, 7788, 7789, 7790, 7791, 7792, 7793, 7794, 7795, 7796, 7797, 7798, 7799, 7800, 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804, 7805, 902468, 888650, 888675, 675376, 675377, 675378, 675379