The Surprise Mountain area is underlain by rhythmically layered amygdaloidal, feldspar porphyritic and spherulitic basalt flows of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group). Mineral- ized quartz and quartz-carbonate veins with variable sulphide con- tent, are associated with narrow, steeply dipping shear zones.
The Golden Slipper occurrence is underlain by amygdaloidal basalt of the Karmutsen Formation cut by an east striking shear structure up to 3 metres wide. The shear zone hosts small, pyritic quartz-calcite veinlets mineralized with native gold.
Work done includes an opencut and shaft which followed a small calcite vein 2 to 10 centimetres wide. The vein had a length of 2.7 metres and was exploited to a depth of 21 metres (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 58, page 93).