EMPR FIELDWORK 1988 pp. 61-74
EMPR OF 1987-2; 1988-24; *1989-6
EMPR PF (Mylar Overlay of Geochemical samples, 1968; Douglas, D.C.
(1968): Cup Creek Native Copper Find, Assay Results,
Miscellaneous Correspondence)
GSC MAP 17-1968, 49-1963
GSC OF 463; 1272
GSC P 68-50; 79-30
GCNL #115, 1984; #59,#189, 1985; #164, 1988
V STOCKWATCH June 17, Aug. 26, Oct. 7, 1987
Hudson, R. (1997): A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of
British Columbia, Vol. 1: Vancouver Island, p. 135