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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  12-Aug-2022 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name OCEAN WAVE (L.303), BIG BEAR (L.304), NAHMINT Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092F005
Status Showing NTS Map 092F03E
Latitude 049º 02' 44'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 01' 14'' Northing 5434487
Easting 352351
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Ocean Wave occurrences are located north of a creek flowing into Snug Basin, approximately 1 kilometre east of Henderson Lake and 27 kilometres southwest of Port Alberni.

The area is underlain by a narrow north trending band of Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Quatsino Formation limestone. The band is in contact, on the west, with Karmutsen volcanics (Vancouver Group), and on the east with Lower Jurassic volcanics of the Bonanza Group. The strata is intruded by diorite and granodiorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.

On the Ocean Wave claim (Lot 303) skarn related mineralization is reported to occur where limestone is in contact with rhyolite and diorite (Bonanza and/or Island Plutonic Suite?). A shaft put down on the zone reaches a depth of about 12 metres. Boulders rich in magnetite and chalcopyrite are piled near the shaft.

The Big Bear claim (Lot 304) is reported to have two adits, with a 7.5-metre deep shaft beside the upper adit. About 13.6 tonnes of rich chalcopyrite bearing rock is stockpiled by the shaft. Another report (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1899) describes the quartz vein (presumably the same one) as being 3.7 metres wide, striking at 030 degrees and dipping 65 degrees to the northwest. The vein matter is calcareous and heavily mineralized with iron and copper pyrites. Surface stripping about 30 metres to the north has exposed what is thought to be the same vein.

The area was originally explored in 1899 and 1916. In 1965, Alberni Mines completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical sampling and a ground magnetometer survey. A sample taken from a quartz vein in the upper adit of the Big Bear claim assayed 0.73 per cent copper (Prospectus: Alberni Mines Ltd., 1965).

In 1967, Mt. Agnes Mines completed a ground magnetometer survey on the area. In 1969 and 1970, Nootka Explorations completed a program of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping and a ground magnetometer survey on the area as the Henderson property. One 5 metre section of core from the Ocean Wave claim was reported to have assayed 1.2 per cent copper and 13.37 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 2856).

In 2007 through 2013, Nahminto Resources completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling, a ground magnetometer survey and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the TJM claims, part of the Nahmint property. In 2008, a select outcrop grab sample (813555) taken from a 0.5 metre thick skarn, located east of the Ocean Wave occurrence, containing actinolite-chlorite-garnet with magnetite and chalcopyrite mineralization yielded 2.8 per cent copper and 10.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 30799). In 2013, Equitas Resources Corp. conducted geological mapping, rock, soil and stream moss mat sampling at the Three Jays North area of the Nahmint property.

In 2020 a structural analysis via photo interpretation and minor prospecting and stream and rock sampling were conducted on the Nahmint property for tenure holder B. McKinney.

EMPR AR *1899-782; 1902-230; 1903-250; 1928-368
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 61-74
EMPR GEM 1971-233
EMPR PF (*Prospectus: Alberni Mines Ltd., January 21, 1965 (in 092F 166 file))
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50; 71-36; 72-44
Carson, D.J.T. (1968): Metallogenic Study of Vancouver Island with Emphasis on the Relationships of Mineral Deposits to Plutonic Rocks, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University
Houle, J. (2009-02-09): Technical Report on The Nahmint Property
Houle, J. (2013-11-30): Technical Report on the Nahmint Property
EMPR PFD 700045, 827017