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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  25-Jan-1990 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 092F9 Cu2
BCGS Map 092F049
Status Prospect NTS Map 092F08W
Latitude 049º 29' 41'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 22' 05'' Northing 5483353
Easting 400933
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

Lasqueti Island is dominated by dark, grey-green amygdaloidal and agglomeratic basalt of the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Karmutsen Formation. Regional bedding strikes northwest and dips moderately northeast. The volcanic rocks are locally intruded in the False Bay area by a north-northeast trending stock of Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite quartz diorite. Narrow shear zones along the stock margins are common and locally contain minor quartz veining. Some hornfelsing of the basalt is also common along the quartz diorite contact but is not significant on a large scale.

Seams of massive sulphide mineralization in the area are often associated with the shear zones along the quartz diorite contact. These zones are narrow, less than 2 metres wide, strike from 010 to 040 degrees and are evident in basalt and quartz diorite.

The Helen K occurrence area is underlain by amygdaloidal basalt of the Karmutsen Formation, which hosts a 30 to 50 centimetre wide shear zone striking 070 degrees and dipping 28 degrees northwest. A quartz diorite dyke, possibly related to a nearby Island Plutonic Suite quartz diorite stock, locally intrudes the zone.

Mineralization in the shear zone occurs as massive pyrite, chal- copyrite and magnetite. Some quartz, calcite, epidote and bornite also occur. A parallel, slightly structurally lower, shear zone hosts massive magnetite and pyrrhotite mineralization. A rock sample from an adit assayed 1.32 per cent copper, 13.23 grams per tonne gold and 121.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 16086).

The Helen K showing differs from other nearby shear zone-hosted occurrences (Venus, 092F 131; St. Joseph, 092F 132; Juneau, 092F 133) in that most shears trend north-northeast, but the Helen K shear trends in an east direction. Also, the pyrrhotite-magnetite assem- blage found in an adit at the Helen K is not seen anywhere else in the area.

Past work consisted of two short adits 25 metres apart.

EMPR BULL 20 Part IV, p. 16
EMPR EXPL 1987-C152
EMPR PF (see Old Bill, 092F 134 - Plan maps of underground and surface workings, Cleveland, C. (1945) and undated claim maps; see St. Joseph, 092F 132 - *Various undated claim maps, Statement of Material Facts, Dornoch International Inc. October 1, 1987 (Hawkins, T.G. (1987): Revised report on the Golden and Raven claims))
GSC MAP 1386A; 17-1968; 49-1963
GSC OF 463; 1272
GSC P 68-50
GSC SUM RPT *1921 Part A, pp. 50-58
GCNL #196, 1982