EMPR AR 1909-K150,K274; *1910-K160; 1911-K292; 1920-N213,N214; 1922- N238,N239; 1926-A318,A319; 1927-C360,C361; 1928-C385; 1937-A40
EMPR BULL 1 (1932), pp. 142,143; 20 Part IV, p. 16
EMPR EXPL 1981-170; 1987-C152
EMPR GEM 1969-214,355; 1971-248,249
EMR MP CORPFILE (Anchor Mines Ltd.(NPL); Pacific Gold Mines, Limited; Santiago Mines, Limited)
EMPR PF (Starr, C.C. (1945): Report on the St. Joseph Group of Mining Claims, 6 p.; Map showing claims and plan of workings; Detail of Workings, 1945; *Leighton, D.G. and Stokes, R.B. (1972): Report on the Sherwin Group; *Various undated claim maps; *Statement of Material Facts, Dornoch International Inc. October 1, 1987 (Hawkins, T.G. (1987): Revised report on the Raven and Golden claims); see Juneau, 092F 133 - *Claim map (1923))
GSC MAP 1386A; 17-1968
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50
GSC SUM RPT *1921 Part A, pp. 50-58
GCNL #58, 1988; #196, 1982
Hudson, R. (1997): A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of British Columbia, Vol. 1: Vancouver Island, p. 150