Bibliography |
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Mines (1961): Geology and Drill Holes, 1:480, Sections 1:240 DH
W5-10, DH W11, DH W8-W9, DH W7, DH W1; Various Correspondence and
Letter Reports in Lynx (092F 072); Jeffery, W.G.(1963):
Preliminary Map, 92F12; Various maps and reports in 092F 072
(Paramount) and 092F 073 (Price); Jeffery, W.G. (1964): An
Assessment of the Economic Mineral Potential within a Part of
Strathcona Provincial Park; *Jeffery, W.G. (1970): Buttle Lake;
Geological Map, 1:31,680; Property Ownership, 1:50,000; Western
Mines Limited (1974): Expanded Composite Showing Underground
Development, Plan (1), Lynx Mine, 1: 1200; Western Mines, Geology
12 Level, 1:1200; Various Correspondence on Strathcona Park;
Eastwood, G.E.P. (c.1975): Mineral Resource Considerations Raised
by Proposed Changes to Strathcona Park - Conclusions and
Recommendations; *Westmin Resources Limited Annual Report 1988 (in
Debbie (092F 079) file; Pearson, C.A. (1992): New Ore Discoveries
at Myra Falls Operations, Buttle Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, CIM
District 6 Meeting, October 1-3, 1992, Campbell River, BC in H-W,
092F 330; GSA Field Trip 1985, Westmin Resources' Massive Sulphide
Deposits, Vancouver Island, Trip 1; Geology notes from CIM 1981; S.D. McKinley (2002): Evolving Geological Models at the Myra Falls VMS Camp, Vancouver Island, BC: An Update and Examples from the Marshall and Ridge Zone, presented at Geology of Base Metals - CIM Vancouver 2002)
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#144,#186,#198,#231,#242,#246, 1979; #19,#32,#34,#54,#55,#68,#90,
#101,#108,#128,#154,#159, 1980; #152, 1982; #101,#151,#153, 1983;
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NW PROSP Dec. 1986; Jan. 1987
PERS COMM Hampton, R.O., Dec. 16, 1974; Massey, N., May 1990
W MINER Oct. 1963, pp.64-65; Aug. 1965, pp.37-42; Oct. 1970; May 1977
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WIN May 1987
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British Columbia, Vol. 1: Vancouver Island, p. 164
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EMPR PFD 6837, 6838, 6839, 6840, 6841, 6842, 6843, 6844, 6845, 6846, 6847, 6848, 6849, 6850, 6851, 6852, 6853, 6854, 6855, 6856, 6857, 6858, 6859, 6860, 6862, 6864, 6865, 6874, 904076, 810005, 905321, 905637, 905639, 905803, 905804, 905808, 905961, 905962, 905965, 905966, 905967, 906063, 906064, 906403, 906404, 906643, 906889, 908032, 908153, 6705, 908475, 908809, 880447, 880466, 885839, 885840, 885841, 885842, 885843, 885844, 885845, 885846, 885847, 885848, 885849, 885850, 885851, 885852, 885853, 885854, 885855, 885856, 885857, 885858, 885859, 885860, 885861, 885862, 885863, 885864, 885865, 885866, 885867, 885868, 885869, 885870, 885871, 885872, 885873, 885874, 885875, 885876, 885877, 885878, 885879, 885880, 885881, 885882, 885883, 885884, 885885, 885886, 885887, 885888, 885889, 885890, 885891, 885892, 885893, 885894, 885895, 885896, 885897, 885898, 885899, 885900, 885901, 885902, 885903, 885904, 885905, 885906, 885907, 885908, 885909, 885914, 885915, 885916, 885917, 885918, 885919, 885920, 826223, 826228, 826229, 826230, 826231, 826232, 826233, 826234, 826235, 826236, 826316, 826317, 826318, 826319, 826320, 827240, 826532, 826565, 826566, 826567, 826568, 826569, 826570, 826571, 826572, 826573, 826574, 826575, 826576, 826577, 826578, 826579, 826580, 826500, 826501, 826502, 826503, 826504, 826505, 826506, 826581, 826582, 826583, 826584, 826585, 826586, 826587, 826588, 826589, 600010, 802137, 802149, 802150, 802151, 802152, 802153, 802154, 802155, 802157, 802158, 802159, 802160, 802164, 802165, 802166, 802167, 802168, 802169, 802171, 802172, 802173, 802175, 802077, 753141, 753142, 753157, 753158, 671467, 671468, 671469, 671470, 671471, 672907, 672908, 672909, 672910, 672912, 672913, 672914, 672915, 672916, 507803, 830729, 830730, 830731, 830732, 830733, 830734, 830735, 830736, 830737, 830738, 830739, 830740, 830768, 830769, 830770, 830771, 830786, 830787, 675111, 675386, 675387, 675388, 675389, 675390, 675391, 675392, 675394, 675396, 676360, 676361, 676362, 676363, 676364, 676365, 676366, 676367, 676368, 676369, 676370, 676371, 676372, 676373, 676374, 676375, 676376, 676377, 676378, 676379, 676380, 676397, 676957, 676958, 676960, 676961, 676962, 676964, 676965, 676966, 676967, 676971, 676972, 896433, 896454, 896688, 680551, 680616, 680617, 680618, 680619, 680620, 680621, 680622, 680623, 680624, 680625, 680626, 680628, 680629, 680630, 680631, 680632