The Southern Cross occurrence is located on the east side of Uchucklesit Inlet, approximately 3 kilometres north west of the mouth of Handy Creek. A small amount of production came from this occurrence in 1905 and 1906.
The area is underlain by rocks of the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, comprising Karmutsen Formation volcanics and Quatsino Formation sediments, and Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group volcanics.
There are several mineral occurrences in the area; these occur in skarns, in areas of shearing and in areas of silicification.
Locally, at the Southern Cross occurrence, a 12 metre adit exposes a limestone- diabase contact mineralized with chalcopyrite, pyrite and copper. A second adit was driven 30 metres downhill in an attempt to intersect the mineralization at depth. An opencut was developed on a 2.5 metre wide vein occurring at the limestone-volcanic contact. The face of an opencut over the tunnel shows 1.5 metres of solid pyrites, with traces of copper in a hornblende gangue, this was the source of the ore. The mineralization disappears at about 18.3 metres in the tunnel. Some chalcopyrite ore, evidently from a shaft now full of water, was found on the dump.
Alteration consists of chlorite, epidote, silicification and grossularite-diopside-actinolite skarn. A "skarn-like" body in the area, up to 4 metres wide, is mineralized with pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and actinolite at a limestone/intrusive contact. The contact is marked by a northeast trending fault which dips steeply to the east.
In the period 1905 to 1906, 290 tonnes of ore was shipped producing 5,132 grams of silver and 6,104 kilograms of copper. Reported assays from dump samples have yielded values up to 18 per cent copper and 19.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 15199).
In 1986 through 1989, Chelan Resources completed programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Liquid Sunshine project. Fourteen rock samples, collected from the adits, assayed up to 0.6128 per cent copper, 0.7445 per cent zinc and 5.8 grams per tonne silver (sample LSC 70; Assessment Report 15199).
In 2007 through 2013, Nahminto Resources completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling, a ground magnetometer survey and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the TJM claims, apart of the Nahmint property.