The area of the Edith occurrence is located on a north facing slope at an elevation of approximately 160 metres and approximately 1.6 kilometres south west of Spencer creekâs mouth on the Alberni Inlet.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Vancouver Group rocks consisting of basalts of the Karmutsen Formation, which are overlain by, or interbedded with, limestone of the Quatsino Formation. A large body of granodiorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite (formerly the Island Intrusions) has intruded the strata.
Lenses of skarn ore are reported to lie at the contact of crystalline limestone and granodiorite. The lenses consist of chalcopyrite disseminated through pyrrhotite and containing very little magnetite. The gangue minerals are reported to be garnetite and limestone. A grab sample of this material assayed 8.2 per cent copper, 75.43 grams per tonne silver and a trace of gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1916, page 321).
In 2016, three select grab samples (E5123638, E5631239 and E5631239) of semi- to massive pyrhhotite-chalcopyrite+/-sphalerite skarn and mineralized quartz in volcanics from historic trenches yielded from 0.013 to 0.154 grams per tonne gold, 12.1 to 28.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.46 to 1.93 per cent copper and 0.05 to 19.50 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 36330).
In addition to these ore lenses, there are two fissures in granodiorite that occur parallel to each other, and can be traced on surface for about 60 metres in a northwest direction. The vein- filling in these fissures is made up of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite in a garnetite gangue. The fissures vary in width from about 30 to 60 centimetres. An average sample across 0.6 metres assayed 5 per cent copper, 137.14 grams per tonne silver and 3.43 grams per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1913, page 276).
Work History
In 2014, a prospecting of the H&D property, consisting of the San Mateo (Minfile 092C 001), Gladys (Minfile 092C 047), and Edith (Minfile 092C 048) showings was carried out. In 2016, prospecting work was continued and a small rock sampling was carried out on the H&D property consisting of 4 rock samples in the Edith area.