The Sanquhar occurrence is located 1.75 kilometres north- northeast of Corbin Pass about 3 kilometres north of Illecillewaet Station of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 40 kilometres east-northeast of Revelstoke. The Jumbo occurrence (082N 048) is 500 metres to the north and 426 metres lower in elevation, on the Tangier River valley side.
Bedrock in the vicinity of the Sanquhar adits and shaft consist of northwest striking, flat lying to steeply dipping black to dark greenish slates of the Lower Cambrian and younger Lardeau Group. Near-vertical quartz veins, lenses and veinlets are mineralized with argentiferous galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and pyrite.
A 0.3-metre chip sample from an upper adit analysed 699.9 grams per tonne silver, 1.88 per cent lead and 0.18 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 14219).