The Ellen D (Lot 1114) occurrence is located on the southeast slope of Beverly Peak, near the headwaters of a southeast flowing tributary of Bobbie Burns Creek, about 30 kilometres south-southwest of Golden. Old workings consist of a 20-metre adit on Lot 1114 and a 15-metre crosscut adit on Lot 1115 (Buckskin claim).
Hostrocks in the occurrence area comprise schists, quartzites, grits and minor limestone of the Hadrynian Horsethief Creek Group. An adit on the Ellen D claim was driven on a quartz vein that varied from 0.9 to 1.8 metres wide. The vein is mineralized with pyrite, galena and tetrahedrite. Samples have yielded high gold and silver values. A crosscut adit on Lot 1115 intersects a number of quartz stringers which are similarly mineralized.