The property is underlain by Devonian or older Eagle Bay Formation metavolcanics consisting of greenschists, phyllites, agglomerate, quartzites, limestone, quartz biotite garnet schist, argillite, and shale.
A broad northwest trending syncline cuts northwest through the property.
At the NSM showing, approximately 15 metres of sulphide mineralization is exposed in a roadcut. The zone is stratabound and bounded by a foliated quartz-sericite schist. The surface trace follows a 150 degree bearing with a moderate westerly dip. True width of the zone would exceed 3 metres. Sulphides in order of abundance are pyrrhotite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. The sulphides exhibit a fine-grained sugary texture and may be banded. Quartz and chlorite are the main gangue minerals with lesser amounts of garnet, magnetite and amphibole. The mineral assemblage described is indicative of skarn mineralization but workers on the showing in 1986 suggested a possible volcanic origin in light of the volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the area.
A second showing apparently consists of scattered chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite in quartz veins (Assessment Report 13334).