The Cad (Russel Creek) occurrence is located on a ridge, northwest of Russel Creek and approximately 2 kilometres southeast of the west end of North Barriere Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by shallow-dipping phyllite and calcareous phyllite of Lower Cambrian Eagle Bay assemblage.
Locally, as defined by two diamond drill holes, the area is underlain by steeply east-dipping andesite, graphitic mudstones and argillites.
In 1984, a drillhole (CAD 84-1) intersected zinc mineralization near the top of an andesite flow, overlain by the sediments yielding 0.65 per cent zinc and 2.0 grams per tonne silver over 1.7 metres, whereas a second drillhole (CAD 84-2) intersected narrow quartz-carbonate veins with specks of sphalerite and galena within graphitic argillite and siltstone yielding 1.20 per cent zinc, 15.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.04 per cent lead from a 10-centimetre wide vein and 0.05 per cent zinc, 0.10 per cent lead and 3.6 grams per tonne silver from a 60-centimetre wide vein (Assessment Report 13168). The second drillhole is located approximately 1000 metres west-southwest of the first.
In 1985, drillhole Russ-85-1 intercepted quartz dacites and quartz arenites hosting sphalerite and galena mineralization in quartz veinlets up to 1-centimetre in width. Minor fuchsite is also reported within the quartz dacites. A sample (1054B), taken over 0.5 metre, assayed 0.08 per cent zinc and 7.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14397).
Work History
In 1971, Duncanex Resources completed a program of silt and soil sampling on the area as the C&G and Den claims.
In 1984, Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc. completed a program of geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, geological mapping, airborne and ground geophysical surveys and two drillholes, totalling 132.2 metres, on the area as the Cad claims. The following year, a further two diamond drill holes were completed on the Cad claims.
In 1987, Merritech Development Corp. completed three diamond drill holes, totalling 394.1 metres, on the Cad claim group.
In 1992, the area was prospected, mapped and rock sampled by Rich Coast Resources Ltd. as the Cad claims.
In 2010 and 2011, Astral Mining Corp. completed programs of prospecting, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, hand trenching and 1334 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the area as the Barriere Ridge and Honeymoon properties.
In 2013, Astral Mining Corp. completed a further 1121.4 line-kilometre airborne electromagnetic survey on the Barriere Ridge and Honeymoon properties. Later that year, a program of prospecting and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling was performed by D.J. Piggin.
During 2014 through 2018, programs of prospecting, geological mapping, hand trenching and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling were completed on the Barriere Ridge property.