The area is underlain by rocks of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex consisting of quartz-biotite schists and gneisses, migma- tite, quartzite, marble and skarn. The metasediments are intruded by sills and irregular bodies of granodiorite.
The general trend of the metasediments is northerly, dipping moderately to the west. However, locally the rocks are structu- rally complex due to folding and faulting.
Within the quartz-biotite schist are carbonate beds with a 4 metre wide scheelite bearing skarn which strikes in a north direction for 200 metres. The skarn consists of idocrase, garnet and quartz with scheelite concentrated in the garnet rich bands.
To the south the biotite schists become more calcareous with development of several narrow skarn zones over a 10 metre thick- ness. Skarn development diminishes, showing a transition from quartz-garnet-idocrase through garnet-wollastonite to wollastonite marble and marble with local development of large garnet porphyro- blasts. Scheelite content also diminishes with decreasing develo- pment of skarn.