The area is underlain by rocks of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex consisting of quartz-biotite schists and gneisses, migma- tite, quartzite, marble and skarn. The metasediments are intruded by sills and irregular bodies of granodiorite.
The general trend of the metasediments is northerly, dipping moderately to the west. However, locally the rocks are structu- rally complex due to folding and faulting.
Within the quartz-biotite schist is a 1 to 3 metre wide scheelite bearing skarn which strikes in a north-easterly direction for 120 metres. The skarn consists of idocrase, garnet, wollaston- ite and quartz. Tungsten content in surface channel samples ranges up to 1.44 per cent WO3 over 1 metre.
The mineralization is similar to Gotcha (082M 123).