The Pat 1300 claim is located on a northern ridge of Boulder Peak, approximately 2.5 kilometres south of the Goldstream River.
The claim area is partially underlain by a complexly deformed sequence of metasedimentary lithologies tentatively assigned to the Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group. Granitic injections in the form of small stocks, dykes and sills cut the metasediments and appear to represent part of the complex northern contact zone of a large Triassic (?) aged intrusive body exposed further to the south and southeast. Thermal metamorphism at the margins of the intrusive has altered the host rocks to swirled contact gneiss, hornfels and skarn.
Sulphide mineralization consists of pyrite and pyrrhotite, with occasional sphalerite, within garnet-epidote-dolomite skarns. Skarns are locally developed within dominantly calcareous host rocks near intrusive contacts.
A channel sample assayed 0.02 per cent copper, 0.02 per cent zinc and 0.69 gram per tonne silver (Assessment Report 0188).