The property lies within the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex along the northeastern margin of the Frenchman Cap Dome. The core of the dome is composed of a mixed paragneiss and orthogneiss succession of probable Aphebian age. The dome is mantled by unconformably overlying metasedimentary rocks consisting of quartzites, calcare- ous schists, marbles and pelitic schists, and locally intruded by carbonatite. The metasediments are flat gently dipping and are repeated across the closure of a major Phase 1 recumbent anticline which has its closure to the east.
Stratabound sulphide mineralization occurs within a fetid white marble unit on the upper limb of the anticline. The marble unit ranges from 2 metres to 50 metres thick and grades into over- lying calc-silicates. The upper part of the marble unit is minera- lized over a strike length of 1800 metres by discrete elongate pods of sphalerite and galena, typically 0.7 to 2 metres wide and up to 10 metres long. Lesser amounts of tetrahedrite, pyrite and chalco- pyrite also occur within the pods.
Twenty-six samples were taken along the 1800 metre strike length. Sample width ranged from 0.1 to 4.7 metres and averaged 0.7 metres. Assay results averaged 55.21 grams per tonne silver, 5.00 per cent zinc and 2.70 per cent lead.