The property is underlain by Devonian to Mississippian part of the Eagle Bay Formation. The rocks consist of phyllites and schists (EBA) derived from felsic to intermediate volcanic and volcani- clastic rocks. The strata strikes 070 to 110 degrees and dips 25 to 45 degrees north.
The Beca showings occur within a medium green chloritic schist containing lighter coloured siliceous clasts. The main showing is a 0.5 metre thick conformable sulphide-rich lens of rusty siliceous schist. Mineralization consists of fine grained pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite bands up to 2 centimetres thick. Three typical samples gave average assay values of 16.5 grams per tonne gold, 342.8 grams per tonne silver, 1.9 per cent lead, 1.3 per cent zinc and 0.8 per cent copper (Assessment Report 6680).
Several other narrow conformable lenses of siliceous pyritic rock occur over 500 metres. One of these, 120 metres north of the main showing is a narrow mineralized zone containing pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The average of two grab samples gave 4.5 grams per tonne gold, 54.9 grams per tonne silver, 3.6 per cent lead, 0.6 per cent zinc and 1.8 per cent copper. A minor showing 400 metres north of this showing consists of a 10 centimetre pyrite-galena bed assaying 2.75 per cent lead with only trace copper, zinc and silver (082M 111).