The Dona showing is located 4.8 kilometres west-northwest of Keefer Lake at the headwaters of the Kettle River, 63 kilometres southeast of Vernon.
The area is underlain by a metamorphosed, poly-deformed sequence of metasediments and tuffaceous rocks of the Devonian to Triassic Harper Ranch Group. These predominantly comprise varieties of black, intensely cleaved argillite and dark-grey to grey siliceous phyllite and intermixed felsic volcanics. These are intruded by small stocks and plugs of diorite and quartz diorite of the Jurassic Nelson Intrusions.
The diorite is the main host of the mineralization and shallow dipping shears control gold distribution. Boudinaged quartz veins commonly fill the shear zones and contain pods and irregular masses of arsenopyrite, pyrite, stibnite, galena and minor chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite-tennantite and possibly sphalerite. The mineralized pods and masses vary from a few millimetres to a maximum of approximately 10 centimetres thick and do not exceed a few metres in length. Adjacent to the shears are irregularly distributed zones of silicification which contain up to approximately 2 per cent pyrite. Quartz veins generally have hematite-rich selvages. Hematite also occurs as fracture fillings. The diorite host is commonly weakly propylitized and is pyritic near shears. Strong silicification and ankerite(?)-alteration of diorite and adjacent argillaceous sedimentary rocks has been noted in outcrop.
In 1973, the Dona 1-11 claims were staked, and geochemical and VLF surveys were completed. In 1974, trenching and percussion drilling were undertaken.
In 1974, sample P3 assayed 43.9 grams per tonne silver and 1.4 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 5220). Trenching and bedrock sampling yielded low values, generally less than 0.5 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 22931). A chip sample (35781) across 2 metres from Trench 6 on the Donna claims assayed 0.016 per cent copper, 0.135 per cent lead, 0.068 per cent zinc, 207.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.511 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 22931).
In 1982, the Irene and Dona claims were staked.
Trenching was done in 1984 and in 1988 geochemical surveys and geological mapping were completed.
In 1992, claims were staked and soil sampling, trenching, bedrock sampling and geological mapping were completed.
In 1993, Carbon Reef Resources Inc. completed three diamond drillholes, totaling 177.5 metres, on a 1-metre wide, flat lying quartz vein or sill which had returned significant gold values from surface sampling.
From 1999 to 2001, biogeochemical surveys were conducted on the property.
In 2009, ESO Uranium Corp. staked the Donna gold property and completed an exploration program of stream sediment geochemistry and rock chip sampling. Highlights of the rock chip sampling include sample D-09-05, which assayed 12.3 grams per tonne gold over 3 metres along a 0.35 metre wide quartz vein with sulphides (Assessment Report 31380).
In 2010, ESO Uranium Corp. completed an exploration program of soil, stream sediment and rock sampling and 850 metres of diamond drilling over 7 holes. Highlights include drillhole D10-4, which returned 30.8 metres grading 0.5 gram per tonne gold, and drillhole D10-5, which returned 7.5 metres grading 1.56 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 31963).
In 2011, ESO Uranium Corp. conducted a 13-hole diamond drill program totaling 1633 metres. Highlights include drillhole D11-15, which returned 35.06 metres grading 0.521 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 32781).
In 2012, ESO Uranium Corp. changed their name to Alpha Minerals Inc. In 2013, Alpha Minerals Inc. changed their name to Alpha Exploration Inc. and optioned the property to Interconnect Ventures Corp.
In 2017, Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and a 470 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Donna property. The following year, Pinnacle North Gold Corp. completed a minor program of soil and rock sampling on the property. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. completed geochemical, geological, geophysical, and drilling from 2018 to 2020.