The St. Ives One showing, is located immediately north and west of the community of St. Ives, on the western shore of Shuswap Lake. The claim was originally staked on September 20, 2005, and prospected through 2010 by William Amey.
Regionally, the area is underlain by Paleozoic graphitic schists in contact with limestone, dolomite and limy quartzites of the Eagle Bay Formation.
Locally, three narrow quartz stringers within a limonitic host, containing traces of pyrite, galena and minor silver have been identified. These share similar characteristics to the nearby Lisle (MINFILE 082LNW055) and MB (MINFILE 082M 206) showings.
Approximately, 500 metres to the east of the quartz stringers, prospecting was carried out on the bed of a narrow feeder creek and its adjoining banks. The stream was followed uphill for a distance of approximately 400 metres. Three gold nuggets were recovered from shallow depths, these weighing 12 grams, 28 grams and 4 grams, respectively (Assessment Report 29332).