The Shu property is underlain by a west to northwest trending sequence of greenschist facies rocks of the Lower Cambrian Johnson Lake unit of the Eagle Bay assemblage. Four main rock units are recognized and comprise chloritic phyllite including metavolcanic rocks, limestone, metachert?, and argillite with lesser sandstone and pebble to cobble conglomerate. Locally, there are dacitic and rhyolitic as well as feldspar porphyritic basaltic dikes.
Pyrite occurs as disseminated, oxidized, euhedral porphyroblasts in various rock types. Coarse to finely disseminated pyrite occurs in quartz sericite schists, quartz veins, chlorite schists, greenstones and fractures. Limonite staining and limonite-lined, cubic vugs are very common. Hematite and specular hematite occur to a lesser degree.
Chip sample 2773 taken from an altered, interlaminated siltstone with fine-grained sandstone analysed 1.3 grams per tonne gold. Sample 2774 is from a hematitic quartz sericite schist and analysed 0.61 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 15427, pages 30, 31).