At the Three G's occurrence, a graphite-monazite showing occurs near the Monashee decollement. Allochthonous cover rocks comprise Precambrian-Paleozoic(?) Shuswap Metamorphic Complex granitic gneiss, paragneiss, garnet sillimanite schist, minor quartzite, marble and amphibolite, which are separated by the Monashee decollement from underlying Precambrian-Paleozoic(?) Monashee Complex (Group) calcsilicate gneiss, impure marble, sillimanite kyanite schist and local carbonatite. Pegmatites intrude the Shuswap rock series.
X-ray diffraction studies identified graphite, quartz, pyrrhotite, pyrite, and annite and siderophyllite which are trioctahedral micas of ideal composition. Geochemical analysis also yielded 271,000 parts per million lanthanum, 272 parts per million praseodymium, 825 parts per million neodymium, 83 parts per million samarium, 40 parts per million gadolinium, 6 parts per million dysprosium and 596 parts per million thorium (Thomas, 1991).
A rock grab sample from the showing analysed 3.8 per cent carbon (Thomas, 1991).