The Milton occurrence is situated 750 metres north of the former McAllister mine (082KSW025). The prospect lies on the northwestern slopes of London Ridge, slightly higher in elevation on O.K. Creek than the Jo-Jo occurrence (082KSW026). New Denver, British Columbia lies some 13 kilometres to the south-southwest.
The Milton prospect is underlain by slate and thinly bedded, calcareous argillite of the Triassic Slocan Group. Several quartz porphyry dikes intrude this Slocan strata.
The Milton Group, consisting of the Milton Crown grant (Lot 2159) and Milton Fr. (Lot 3825), was originally staked to explore quartz veins similar in character to those of the McAllister property. Workings consist of 457 metres of tunnelling and surface work. Several quartz veins were exposed, one similar in character to the Jo Jo vein.
At the Jo Jo occurrence a quartz vein was explored in O.K. Creek. The vein hosted high grade silver-bearing minerals, pyrite, galena and sphalerite, either disseminated throughout the quartz or as small rich ore shoots. Argentite, tetrahedrite and native silver in a quartz gangue comprise mineralization found in the lower adit.