The London Hill occurrence is located at the summit of London Ridge. The former McAllister mine (082KSW025) is 1.5 kilometres to the southwest. New Denver, British Columbia lies some 13.5 kilometres to the southeast.
The London Hill group was first staked in 1896 by the London Hill Development and Mining Co. Ltd. At this time the group consisted of the London, Third of July, Pompeii and Round-Up claims with some 110 metres of underground work in two adits on either side of the ridge. The London (Lot 1416) and Third of July (Lot 1417) were Crown granted in 1897. Ownership of the group was then transferred to Geigerich and Miller with exploration work conducted from 1909 to 1917. The London Crown grant was then transferred to Geigerich in 1918, who worked the property in 1919, 1920 and 1926. The newly incorporated London Hill Mine Ltd. consolidated the Silver Glance (082KSW028) and adjacent properties in 1950. No work was reported and property ownership lapsed in 1957. Vimy Explorations Ltd. acquired options on 13 claims including the Silver Glance, Panama (082KSW055), London Hill and Empress (082KSW116) properties in 1960. In 1961, surface and underground sampling was conducted. Development work was carried out mainly on the former London Hill and Panama mines until 1967 when the company was dissolved. In 1966, a 130-metre crosscut was driven 25 vertical metres below the original adit but the downward projection of the lode was not intersected. The property was then acquired by United Hearne Resources Ltd. in 1974. Lots 1416 and 1417 have now escheated to the Crown.
Hostrocks of the London Hill occurrence are slates with interbedded argillite and quartzite of the Triassic Slocan Group. These strata strike northwest and dip southwest or northeast at low angles. These are intruded by numerous quartz porphyry dikes. Three adits, exploring the London Hill lode to a depth of 77 metres from the summit, comprise the London Hill workings.
The London Hill lode consists of irregular quartz lenses up to 1.2 metres thick in a fissure zone. The quartz is mineralized with tetrahedrite and other silver-bearing minerals. At the ridge summit, a quartz vein outcrop is hosted in a quartz porphyry dike and is stained with copper carbonates. Tetrahedrite and pyrite were reported in this vein.
Production at the London Hill occurrence began in 1893 and finished in 1912 with 54 tonnes mined intermittently over 4 years yielding 301,513 grams of silver.