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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Apr-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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BCGS Map 082K005
Status Prospect NTS Map 082K03E
Latitude 050º 04' 30'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 07' 28'' Northing 5546977
Easting 491095
Commodities Silver, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Copper Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Slide Mountain, Kootenay, Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Gold Quartz prospect is situated 1 kilometre south of Mount Brennan and 1.75 kilometres northwest along strike of the Highland Surprise occurrence (082KSW037).

Veins are exposed in greenstone on the northeast side of a serpentinite body, both of the Permian Kaslo Group. The greenstones are generally more massive in character than at the nearby Highland Surprise occurrence. Near veins, the greenstone is intruded by diorite and feldspar porphyry dikes. The veins that have been the target of development strike northwesterly. Differing from the Highland Surprise occurrence, veins here contain conspicuous amounts of galena and sphalerite with pyrite and chalcopyrite. There are several veins having a northeast or easterly strike.

Development has occurred in two general areas. Southeast at roughly 1920 metres, surface stripping exposed a quartz vein system striking 335 to 340 degrees and dipping 60 to 70 degrees east. One or two regular quartz bands vary in width from 15 to 60 centimetres, with irregular quartz stringers in between. Sulphides are disseminated in quartz veins and greenstone, with total lode width ranging from 60 to 210 centimetres. Wider quartz bands have longitudinal openings. Immediately southeast, a short adit has intersected quartz stringers with a general strike of 330 degrees. Greenstone on the footwall and hangingwall is highly sheared. The best assay from in situ sampling across 70 centimetres of narrow bands of massive pyrite and chalcopyrite with lesser galena and sphalerite yielded 3.43 grams per tonne gold and 24 grams per tonne silver (Bulletin 7, page 45). A second vein is exposed 200 metres to the northeast. This vein strikes 325 degrees and dips 75 degrees and is traceable over 180 metres. The vein occurs in diorite for part of its length and is bordered by a feldspar porphyry dike on the hangingwall side for most of its length. Vein width varies from 10 to 120 centimetres and hosts a sulphide mineralogy consisting of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena. Albite alteration occurs locally within the vein. Samples yielded poorer gold and silver contents than the previous vein.

About 600 metres to the northwest, a series of quartz veins and stringers are hosted in massive and sheared greenstones. Shears strike 130 degrees and dip 60 degrees southwest. The greenstone is highly chlorite altered. Total width of the zone is as much as 9 metres. An adit was driven on the westernmost of these veins. North of the adit, a series of opencuts exposes quartz in schistose greenstone. Shears strike 340 degrees and dip steeply southeast. There is a diorite body immediately to the east. Opencuts expose weakly pyrite-bearing quartz. Calcite is also locally present in veins. The best sample (No. 13) yielded 6.8 grams per tonne gold and trace silver over 145 centimetres (Bulletin 7, page 47). At this location, a feldspar porphyry dike lies in the diorite and is well exposed for over 60 metres.

Property exploration covering the Gold Quartz occurrence area has been conducted intermittently from the 1960s to 1980s. Numerous trenches and pits have explored the surface exposure of the shear known to host mineralization of the Gold Quartz occurrence. Several rock samples were taken from near the portal to the main adit of the southeast group in 1987. Sample MR-54 yielded 0.37 gram per tonne gold and 3.10 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 19475). The chip sample was taken across 1.6 metres of semimassive andesite with 40 per cent quartz stringers, hosting 4 per cent fine-grained sulphides. Similarly, Sample SH-61 taken across 1 metre of outcrop beside the adit yielded 0.73 gram per tonne gold and 8.10 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 19475).

In 2020, Traction Exploration Inc. completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Whitewater property.

EMPR ASS RPT 4126, 5401, 7835, 8529, 9060, 16758, 17158, *19475, 39372
EMPR BULL *7, pp. 42-48
EMPR EXPL *1979-83
GSC MAP 1667
GSC OF 432; *464
Sultan, M. (2020-10-05): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Whitewater Property, Slocan Mining Division, Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada
Sultan, M. (2021-04-24): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Whitewater Property, Slocan Mining Division, Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada
EMPR PFD 825257