The Galena prospect is located on the summit of the divide at the head of the south fork of McGuigan Creek and east of Payne Mountain. The former Washington mine (082KSW008) lies 1.1 kilometres to the northwest. The area is roughly 10 kilometres from New Denver, British Columbia.
Hostrocks of the Galena prospect are mainly argillites of the Triassic Slocan Group. These are intruded by numerous quartz porphyry dikes and sills. For a more detailed description of the local geology refer to the former Washington mine (082KSW008).
The Galena vein-lode strikes nearly south and dips 35 to 55 degrees southeast and is discordant with bedding. The vein-lode itself is crosscut by many quartz porphyry dikes and sills. The vein is composed mainly of siderite with sphalerite and very little galena. The vein-lode extends northeastward into the Antoine basin, in the vicinity of the former Antoine mine (082KSW011).
The Galena prospect has been explored by at least 150 metres of adit driven through the ridge but no production was ever recorded. The Galena lode was explored from the No. 4 level of the former Last Chance mine (082FNW020). The presumed extension of the Galena lode was intersected at 485 metres from the portal. The shear was drifted and veins within this shear carried sphalerite and very little galena.