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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Aug-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name CANADIAN GIRL (L.4705) Mining Division Revelstoke, Slocan
BCGS Map 082K074
Status Showing NTS Map 082K11W
Latitude 050º 44' 54'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 23' 17'' Northing 5621911
Easting 472623
Commodities Lead, Silver, Zinc Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
J01 : Polymetallic manto Ag-Pb-Zn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America, Kootenay
Capsule Geology

The Canadian Girl prospect is at 2400 metres elevation on a minor peak on the divide between Lardeau Creek and the Westfall River system. On the Lardeau Creek side, it is at the head of Dave Morgan Creek.

The early history of the area is unknown but the prospect was explored by Nakusp Resources Limited in 1985 and by Jopec Resources Limited in 1993. At both times, it was at the south end of a large tenure block that extended a considerable distance to the north. The Trout Lake area is underlain by a thick succession of sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Badshot Formation and Lardeau Group near the northern end of the Kootenay arc, an arcuate, north to northwest trending belt of Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata that is now classified as a distinct, pericratonic, terrane. The arc rocks are bordered by Precambrian quartzite in the east and they young to the west, where they are bounded by Jurassic-age intrusive complexes. They were deformed during the Antler orogeny in Devonian-Mississippian time and were refolded and faulted during the Columbian orogeny, in the Middle Jurassic. A large panel, the "Selkirk allochthon", was later offset to the northeast by dip-slip motion along the Columbia River Fault.

The Badshot Formation is composed of a thick Cambrian limestone that is a distinctive marker horizon in the Trout Lake area. It is underlain by Hamill Group quartzite and it is overlain by a younger assemblage of limestone, calcareous, graphitic and siliceous argillite and siltstone, sandstone, quartzite and conglomerate, and also mafic volcanic flows, tuffs and breccias, all of which belong to the Lardeau Group. The rocks are isoclinally folded and intensely deformed, but only weakly metamorphosed. They occur as intercalated beds of marble, quartzite and grey, green and black phyllite and schist. Fyles and Eastwood (EMPR BULL 45) subdivided the group into six formations (Index, Triune, Ajax, Sharon Creek, Jowett and Broadview) of which the lowermost (Index) and uppermost (Broadview) are the most widespread. The Triune (siliceous argillite), Ajax (quartzite) and Sharon Creek (siliceous argillite) are restricted to the Trout Lake area. The Jowett is a mafic volcanic unit.

The Canadian Girl area is underlain by green, grey to black chloritic and/or carbonaceous schist and limestone of the Index Formation. The latter is commonly converted to marble and ranges in colour from white to cream, depending on siderite content, and from grey to black, depending on carbon content. The limestone is thinly layered and varies in width up to 15.2 metres. The thicker units resemble the Badshot and/or Lade limestone and occur in parallel ribs that may be fold repetitions of each other. There are five major bands of limestone in the Galena Creek area (to the north of Canadian Girl) that were known to the early prospectors as the Black Warrior, Silver Leaf, Ellsmere Ledge, Horne Ledge and Surprise limestone ledges. One of these extends on to the Canadian Girl property.

At Canadian Girl, there are three subparallel zones of oxidized limestone separated by chlorite schist and bleached limestone. They contain some pyrite and galena; however, are not particularly well mineralized. The respective averages of two one-metre chip samples from each zone collected in 1985 returned only trace amounts of lead, zinc and silver (EMPR ASS RPT 14063).

During 2006 through 2009, Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, geochemical (soil, silt, talus fines and rock) sampling and an airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Kootenay Arc property.

EMPR AR *1898-1069; 1902-H297
EMPR ASS RPT 11979, *14063, 17651, 18844, 18845, 22917
GSC OPEN FILE 288; 432
Fingler, J. (2010-01-25): Technical Report on the Kootenay Arc Property