The Moscow Group consists of a quartz vein containing sulphides within silicified black and grey schists (Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group) that are considerably silicified.
In 1899, the Moscow Group of three claims was reported to have “some very good-looking ore”. The Moscow (Lot 4500), located north of Pool Creek, was Crown Granted to A. Kitten in 1924. In 1924, J.M. Humphreys, of Malakwa, and associates leased the Moscow reverted Crown-grant from the government and started some development. In 1926, a little work was reported to have been done on the Moscow by Lardeau Mines Exploration Company. In 1927, work was done on the Moscow claim, where a prospect-tunnel had been driven for 60 metres in a northerly direction along a sheared fissure in argillite, a short distance above the creek. Small pockets of ore had been encountered, but continuity was reported to be lacking as the ground was badly broken and disturbed, leaving doubt as to whether it was in place.
In 2016 and 2017, Explorex Resources Inc. completed programs of prospecting and rock and soil sampling on the area as the Silver Dollar property. In 2019, Mariner Resources Corp. completed a 624 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and radiometric survey on the area as the Silver Dollar property.