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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  27-Mar-2022 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name DRIFTWOOD CREEK, FISH Mining Division Golden
BCGS Map 082K098
Status Showing NTS Map 082K15E
Latitude 050º 54' 16'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 116º 34' 34'' Northing 5639284
Easting 529805
Commodities Magnesite Deposit Types E09 : Sparry magnesite
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The occurrence is located approximately 53 kilometres southeast of Golden or 164 kilometres northwest of Cranbrook.

Lower Cambrian Cranbrook Formation quartzites, dolomites and phyllitic argillites host medium to coarse-grained crystalline magnesite. The occurrence is at the western end of the rocky ridge north of Driftwood Creek. Beds of slatey phyllites, overlain by a fine-grained dark, cherty dolomite, form the footwall to a strike exposure of about 110 metres of magnesite beds. The stratigraphy trends 290 degrees northwest and dips 80 to 85 degrees southwest.

Southwest and overlying the dolomite is a 65 metre thick sequence of medium to coarse-grained magnesite containing cherty blebs and lenses. This section also hosts two continuous horizons of massive magnesite 4.5 and 2.2 metres thick. A metallurgical test sample was collected from the lower, 4.5 metre thick, magnesite body and ran 42.5 per cent MgO. The upper part of this unit is host to a horizon of white to yellow, fine-grained orthoquartzite similiar to that exposed below slatey phyllites.

The upper 45 metres of the section is a massive, medium to coarse-grained magnesite with no visible impurities and is exposed for several hundred metres along strike. A bulk sample from this section contained 40 per cent MgO.

The Driftwood Creek occurrence was first discovered in 1968, when the area surrounding the occurrence was staked.

In 1978, Kaiser Resources Ltd. completed an exploration program on the property containing the occurrence including geological mapping, drilling, and a resource estimate.

In 1987, the Driftwood Creek deposit was staked by Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. Surface mapping and a small sampling program was completed during this year.

In 1990, Canadian Occidental completed a diamond drilling program on the property containing the occurrence. Highlighted results included 1.52 metres grading 43.59 percent magnesium oxide, 0.82 percent aluminum oxide, 2.56 percent silicon dioxide, and 90.5 percent “dead-burned” magnesium oxide in hole 90-4 (MacIntyre, D. (2014-07-22): Technical Report, Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property).

In 1999, a rock geochemistry program on the property was completed. Highlighted results included average grades of 41.1 to 45.5 percent magnesium oxide, and 0.4 to 8.3 percent for silicon dioxide (MacIntyre, D. (2014-07-22): Technical Report, Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property).

In 2008, Lakefield Research conducted a study on samples from the Driftwood Creek Deposit, and Tusk Exploration Ltd. completed a diamond drilling program on the property. Highlighted results included a 2.0 metre section grading 41.7 percent magnesium oxide, 0.58 percent aluminum oxide, and 6.18 percent silicon dioxide from sample 7443 in hole MG-08-2 (MacIntyre, D. (2014-07-22): Technical Report, Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property).

In 2014 to 2015, MGX Minerals conducted an exploration program including drilling, and rock sampling.

In 2016, MGX Minerals conducted a 25-percussion drill hole program on the property.

In 2018, Tunn Consulting Inc. completed a resource estimate of the deposit. At Driftwood Creek 4,703,000 tonnes measured grading 43.31 percent magnesium oxide, 1.01 percent aluminum oxide, 0.95 percent calcium oxide, 1.29 percent iron oxide, 5.06 percent silicon dioxide, and 47.83 percent loss on ignition, 3,145,000 tonnes indicated grading 43.22 percent magnesium oxide, 0.99 percent aluminum oxide, 1.05 percent calcium oxide, 1.34 percent iron oxide, 4.66 percent silicon dioxide, and 47.99 percent loss on ignition, 56,000 tonnes inferred grading 42.95 percent magnesium oxide, 0.93 percent aluminum oxide, 0.66 percent calcium oxide, 1.43 percent iron oxide, 6.07 percent silicon dioxide, and 47.46 percent loss on ignition (Bender, M., Loschiavo, A., Reeves, A. (2018-04-16): Technical Report on the Driftwood Creek Magnesite Deposit Project). Not added to inventory as the commodity is calculated as percentages of the raw ore magnesite to metal oxides.

EMPR ASS RPT 8760, 19416, 26345, 30243, 31353, 35175, 35677
EMPR FIELDWORK 1983, p. 213
EMPR OF 1987-13
EMPR PF (Prospectors Report 2001-28 by Peter Klewchuk)
EMPR PFD 20462, 20463, 20464, 20465, 20466
*MacIntyre, D. (2014-07-22): Technical Report, Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property.
MacIntyre, D. (2015-07-13): Technical Report, Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property.
*Bender, M., Loschiavo, A., Reeves, A. (2018-04-16): Technical Report on the Driftwood Creek Magnesite Deposit Project.
MGX Minerals Inc. (2016-09-26): Driftwood Magnesite Project Mineral Resource Estimate, Brisco, BC
MGX Minerals Inc. (2017-07-21): Driftwood Magnesite Project Mineral Resource Estimate, Brisco, BC