In the Boivin occurrence area, stratabound lead-zinc showings occur in platformal carbonates of the Upper Devonian Palliser Formation. A distinctive carbonate rock termed "Zebra Facies" that is characterized by fenestral (and geopetal) spar dolomite crescents in a fine-grained granular dolomite matrix, hosts the mineralization. It is interpreted to be of supratidal algal origin and is underlain and overlain by massive, subtidal limestone. Pale yellow to almost clear sphalerite is disseminated through the granular dolomite and is concentrated along the periphery of spar dolomite patches and within the spar dolomite. The mineralization is confined to a number of discrete zones generally less than 1 metre thick and a few metres in length. The Boivin showing measures approximately 12 by 2 metres and contains up to 20 per cent zinc.