The Elkhorn occurrence is hosted by medium-grained, light grey, vuggy Middle-Upper Jubilee Formation dolomites which are highly jointed and fractured. Barite occurs both as irregular pods, lenses and as a matrix to angular dolomite breccia fragments as well as in more massive vein concentrations. It is usually massive, coarse grained, white in color and locally contains inclusions of white cherty material and buff weathering recrystallized dolomite. Barite fills short irregular veinlets and forms a 70 metre long by 1 metre wide barite vein about 300 metres southeast of the main showing. Patches of malachite and azurite and disseminated galena are associated with the barite.
A trial shipment of direct shipping ore was mined out of a small quarry in 1963. It is estimated some 450 cubic metres of barite-rich limestone was mined from this open pit. In 1986, a tunnel was driven 37 metres and another 8 metres lateral extension driven to follow the bedded barite (Assessment Report 15706).
W.W.C. Consulting Ltd. drilled in 1997.