The Sunrise Surprise occurrence is located southeast of the Yahk River forest service road, approximately 900 metres southeast of the mouth of Sunrise Creek on the Moyie River.
The area is underlain by a 3,000- to 3,500-metre-thick sedimentary flush sequence of alternating siltstones, argillites, and quartzites of the Proterozoic Middle Aldridge Formation. Gabbro-diorite sills (Moyie Intrusions) intrude the sequence. The structural character of the property is dominated by a large, property wide anticline and numerous northeast and northwest striking normal faults. A thick package of fine siliceous and carbonaceous sediments including the Creston, Kitchener, and Van Creek formations overlie the Aldridge Formation to the north.
Locally, a northwest shear zone hosts a phyllitic quartz vein breccia with goethite, hematite and iron carbonate (limonite?). The shear has been traced for greater than 400 metres along strike and as wide as 10 metres at a zone of anatomizing quartz veins and sheared sediments.
In 2013, a rock sample (MK13-38) assayed 0.09 per cent copper, 14.2 grams per tonne silver, and 0.122 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 34828).
In 1992, a 2.9-line-kilometre ground magnetic and an 11.1 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey were completed on the area as the Sun claims. The following year, Cominco completed a soil sampling program on the area. In 2013, Kootenay Silver completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Sunrise Surprise claim. In 2019, a total of 77 rock samples and 486 soil samples were collected on the SBA property on behalf of owner Craig Kennedy. The SBA property covered parts of the previous Cruz property claims that was explored in the 1990's and early 2000's. Samples in 2019 were collected in the area of the Cruz (082GSW066), Sunrise Surprise (082GSW091), and Spike (formerly Sun 4-5) (082GSW092).
In 2020, a program of rock and soil sampling was conducted by Kootenay Resources Inc. on their Moyie Anticline property utilizing both laboratory and portable XRF analytical techniques (Assessment Report 39483). During the 2020 field program more than 1420 XRF readings were taken and compiled. Several areas with anomalous lead, zinc, copper as well as gold were found during the program. The Moyie Anticline property covered parts of the 082FSE and 082GSW map areas.
Refer to Cruz (082GSW066) for related geological and work history information.