The Pay Roll occurrence is located 1200 metres north-northwest of the confluence of Wuho Creek with the Moyie River.
The area is underlain by clastic rocks of the Helikian Purcell Supergroup. The units are dominantly siliclastic sedimentary rocks of the Lower and Middle Aldridge formations.
The occurrence is a vein-type deposit hosted by quartzites of the Helikian Middle Aldridge Formation (Purcell Supergroup). The Aldridge Formation quartzites are relatively flat-lying but with a gentle north dip.
The deposit consists of individual, or zones of, small quartz veins crosscutting the Aldridge Formation in a generally east direction and tending to dip about 65 to 75 degrees southwest. The veining is also associated with faulting. A quartz vein in the order of 3 to 5 centimetres wide is closely associated with a syenitic dike, and has been observed to carry visible free gold, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and a lead telluride mineral identified as altaite. Tourmaline has been identified from a vein in the southern part of the showing.
The Pay Roll (L.3562) and Paymaster (L.3561) were crown granted in 1900. In 1907, M. Quaim mined 16 tonnes, producing 715 grams of silver and 187 grams of gold (BC METAL MM00538). Reports indicate that gold values were in the order of 2 to 14 grams per tonne gold and 20.5 grams per tonne silver (Annual Report 1927, page 267).
In 1982 and 1985, Cominco completed programs of diamond drilling, totaling 1157.8 metres in three holes, on the area as the Neg 1-3 claims (Assessment Reports 10603, 14724). In 1992, 10 line-kilometres of combined electromagnetic, magnetic, and self-potential surveys were completed by Granite City Exploration (Assessment Report 22486). Ascot Resources Ltd. mapped and sampled the area in 1998 and 1999 (Assessment Report 26131). In 2000, Super Group Holding completed geological mapping in the area (Assessment Reports 26480, 26724).
In 2013/2014, PJX Resources Inc began a large program of gravity and magnetic geophysical surveying to detect dense subsurface features (Assessment Reports 34082, 34937, 35416). The gravity survey extended 10 kilometres beyond the West Basin property claim boundaries encompassing several MINFILE occurrences including the Pay Roll occurrence (Figure 8, Assessment Report 34082).