The TRI and Commerce showings are located about 62 kilometres southeast of Fernie, and 5 to 10 kilometres east of the Flathead River.
The Commerce Peak area (Commerce Zone H) is host to three major types of mineralization (Assessment Report 3160, 4535): 1) copper-silver, as chalcopyrite-bornite-chalcocite disseminated within the quartzites and redbeds of the Purcell Group (similar to Spar Lake mineralization). Significant localized concentrations appear confined to thin, 1- to 5-centimetre quartzite horizons and to the axial regions of tight folds. Anomalous molybdenum and uranium and/or thorium(?) (200-400 counts per second) are associated with high copper values. Copper may assay up to 0.2 to 0.3 per cent locally with silver in the range of 1 to 10 grams; 2) gold, with lesser amounts of silver, is associated with contact-related sulphide concentrations at the margins of Tertiary-Cretaceous syenite and/or diorite sills. Although gold values of over 34.28 grams have been reported, the anomalous values are usually one gram or less. Syenitic intrusions commonly host a fraction of a gram of gold regionally; 3) veinlets of quartz-carbonate (plus/minus siderite) crosscut the Grinnell and Siyeh formations and host local concentrations of copper sulphides. The veinlets may be as wide as 3 to 5 centimetres and assay up to 1 to 3 per cent copper.
Newer geological compilations (MapPlace versus GSC Open File 7476) show conflicting formation nomenclature usage for Purcell sub-units in this area.
The Commerce ground was staked by Kennco Explorations (Western) Ltd. in 1967. Falconbridge Nickel Mines acquired the rights to part of the same claims and carried out limited evaluation in 1969 to 1970.
In 1970 exploration program of Alcor Minerals over the Commerce area consisted of sampling sediments in streams draining three Flathead River properties, including the Tri, Top and Lion claims within an area bound by Commerce Creek and Sunkist Ridge, south to, and along Sage Creek (Assessment Report 3160). A total of 231 samples were collected and assayed for copper, lead and zinc. Thirty-one mineral occurrences were discovered on, and adjacent to, the Flathead River properties. Many of these mineral occurrences were reported as “unimportant” but still of interest. Kintla Explorations Ltd. later carried out mapping and trenching of several showings in 1972 to about 1979. Some 64 claims on Commerce Peak were subsequently acquired by the Goble Bros. of Edmonton. Falconbridge Nickel Mines Limited held an option on the property in 1970 and carried out diamond drilling totalling 76 metres in 5 holes on Commerce 9, 10, and 14 claims.
Refer to Commerce F & G (082GSE006), Tri 37 (082GSE007), Commerce Zone C (082GSE047), or Commerce (082GSE065) for a complete work history of the Tri and Commerce occurrences.