The Zilor occurrence is hosted by siltstone and hornfelsic siltstone of the Lower Jurassic Elise Formation, Rossland Group. The showing occurs within the contact aureole of the Early Jurassic Ross- land monzonite. The Rossland monzonite has recently been age dated at 190 million years and consists of a biotite-hornblende-augite monzonite stock. The grey to black siltstone and argillite grades to hornfels and forms distinct layers within the Rossland Group volcanic breccias. Ammonites of Early Jurassic age were reported to occur in the siltstone on Ivanhoe Ridge. The showing is considered as part of the south belt of mineralization in the Rossland camp.
The Zilor vein trends east, with a strike between 090 and 145 degrees, dipping 75 degrees north. Vein mineralization consists of galena, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. The veins are hosted by the grey, hornfelsic siltstone which also contains disseminated pyrite. One sample assayed 1 gram per tonne gold, 306 grams per tonne silver, 0.08 per cent copper and greater than 1 per cent each of lead and zinc (Assessment Report 18310). Two old shafts are reported to exist on the Zilor property.