The property is located at an elevation of approximately 1670 metres elevation at the head of Billings Creek, a north-flowing tributary of Sheep Creek, some 12 kilometres southeast of Salmo.
Regionally, the area is underlain by fine clastic sediments of the Lower to Middle Ordovician Active Formation, undivided sedimentary rocks of the Cambrian Laib Formation and quartz arenite sedimentary rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian Hamill Group, which have been intruded by granodioritic rocks of the Cretaceous Anstey pluton and small stocks of syenitic to monzonitic intrusive rocks of the Eocene Coryell Plutonic Suite.
In the Sheep Creek Camp, limestone-hosted mineralization is similar but not identical to quartzite-hosted mineralization. Limestone-hosted vein deposits occur along the same northeast trend as the productive quartzite veins and the gold-silver mineralization occurs in a similar oreshoot environment; however, lead and zinc are more common in the limestone deposits and mineralization commonly occurs in the wallrocks as replacement sulphides accompanied by quartz. Higher grade zones within limestone are rarely greater than a few tens of centimetres wide whereas in quartzites the oreshoots may be several metres wide. All production from veins in limestone has been made from levels fully 600 metres in elevation above similarly productive quartzite-hosted deposits. Exploration within limestone at elevations comparable to quartzite hosted occurrences has been disappointing.
The Summit occurrence is a quartz-siderite vein deposit that contains erratically distributed pyrite, galena and sphalerite within a narrow fault zone striking 55 degrees and dipping southeast. The fault crosscuts Lower Cambrian Laib Formation limestones and schists close to a granitic intrusion of the Cretaceous Anstey pluton.
In 1996, grab samples of mineralized limestone from various dump piles yielded up to 8.35 per cent lead, 3.47 per cent zinc, 97.9 grams per tonne silver and 30.72 grams per tonne gold, whereas a 0.1-metre chip sample (SUMMIT-5) from the level 2A workings yielded 2.51 per cent lead, 4.44 per cent zinc, 107.8 grams per tonne silver and 59.88 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24910).
Production from 1906 to 1938 totalled approximately 1094 tonnes, which contained 27 059 grams of gold, 37 883 grams of silver, 13 728 kilograms of lead and 12 988 kilograms of zinc. Most of the mine production was from a 20-metre long ‘Glory Hole’.
The showings were staked in 1901. A crosscut adit was driven by F.E. Collins and J. Miller during 1906 through 1908 and some ore was shipped. Vancouver Financial Corporation acquired the property and incorporated Sheep Creek Summit Gold Mines, Limited in May 1910. Some high-grade ore was shipped during 1910 and 1911. The company charter (Sheep Creek) was surrendered in 1914.
Five claims, the Summit (Lot 10010), Gold Crown (Lot 10014), Gold Crown Fr. (Lot 10047), Independence (Lot 10012) and Independence Fr. (Lot 10048), were Crown granted to J.B. O'Brian in 1914. Lessors W.B. De Witt & Associates held the property in 1914 and some ore was put through a small mill on the adjoining Ore Hill property (MINFILE 082FSW053). W.B. Poole & associates held the Summit and Ore Hill properties in 1919 and 1920 but no work was reported on the Summit at that time.
McCuaig Red Lake Gold Mines Limited purchased the Summit property in 1934 but there is no report of work done. In 1937 the property was purchased from McCuaig by Kootenay Ore Hill Gold Mines, Limited, owner of the adjoining Ore Hill property. Some mining was done on the Summit group in the spring of 1938 while under lease to H.D. Forman; the ore was treated at the Ore Hill mill.
The working to 1934 comprised a glory hole at approximately 1706 metres elevation, two adits between 1646 and 1676 metres elevation, totalling approximately 194 metres, of crosscuts and drifts, and several caved adits at approximately 1585 metres elevation.
In 1983, the area was prospected by R. Mayes. In 1989, 354017 Alberta Ltd. conducted a 6.0 line-kilometre electromagnetic and magnetic survey. During 1994 through 1996, Sultan Minerals Inc. conducted programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and a 510 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area.