The Zinger property is located about 30 kilometre west of Cranbrook, British Columbia incorporates significant mineralization occurring in a 6 kilometre by 1.5 to 2 kilometre area and represented by at least 7 to 8 linear mineralized zones containing intense auriferous quartz stockwork and larger quartz-sulfide veins.
The Gold Run showing (on the Zinger property) was originally defined as that area covered by the large CD claim group staked by Partners Oil and Minerals Ltd. near Richmond Lake at the head of Perry Creek. The main area of interest in the recent work covers the southern strike extension of gold-quartz vein mineralization discovered at the turn of the century on the Yellow Metal property (082FSE065), and recently explored by Unique Resources Ltd. as the Hawk claim.
The Gold Run area is underlain by grey, green, white-purple quartzites and siltstones with minor interbedded argillite which are part of the Creston Formation of the Middle Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup. These well-bedded rocks strike 030 degrees and dip steeply northwest.
Originally, the major showing on the property consisted of a large geochemical anomaly (500 by 400 metres of greater than 100 parts per billion gold) that is on strike with a zone of shearing and anomalous gold found to the north on the contiguous Hawk claim (082FSE065). Peak values within the anomaly are in excess of 500 parts per billion gold; no other elements were analysed for. A second anomaly consists of one soil line 400 metres long with gold values over 100, locally over 1000 parts per billion. This anomaly also lies on the southern extension of a gold-mineralized shear known on the Hawk property to the north. The shear zones on the Hawk (Yellow Metal) property have great strike extent of up to 2500 metres, widths of up to 50-100 metres and gold assays ranging from trace to 30.5 grams per tonne (Assessment Report 16656); the zones strike 020 degrees and dip steeply east, cutting across the stratigraphy. Mineralized zones are characterized by minor pyrite, oxidized to limonite at surface, in quartz veins and stringers in silicified rock.
The following history report (largely from Assessment Report 27340) expands upon the original Gold Run showing and defines a more of the overall larger Zinger property which encompasses the Gold Run.
In 1985, Partners Oil and Minerals Ltd. took reconnaissance soil samples along the trail above Gold Run Lake and detected significant gold anomalies. In 1987 they conducted grid soil sampling and established the presence of a large and rather strong gold anomaly.
Also in the mid-1980s, the old Yellow Metal prospect (082FSE065) was explored using soil geochemistry and ground geophysics.
In 1993, Consolidated Ramrod Gold Corporation staked a large claim block in the area. Their work included soil geochemistry, road building, trenching and diamond drilling in the area of the present Zinger claims. Trenching near the approximate up-slope cut-off of one of the soil anomalies exposed a strong north-northeast-striking gold-mineralized quartz vein/shear zone system.
In 1997 and 1998 VLF-EM surveys were conducted over parts of the claims; some survey lines crossed one of the Ramrod’s gold-in soil anomalies. A northwest trending VLF-EM anomaly was identified, crossing regional stratigraphy a short distance west of a strong gold-in soil anomaly. In 1999, more detailed surface prospecting and rock geochemistry established the presence of widespread anomalous gold in bedrock, associated with quartz veinlet breccias and pyrite mineralization.
In 2000, National Gold Corporation acquired the current Zinger claims and conducted extensive soil sampling program. Soil samples were collected on two separate grids. The smaller Gold Run Lake grid consisted of 89 samples collected on three separate east-west lines spaced 100 meters apart immediately north of Gold Run Lake, on the Zinger 24 and 83 claims, The larger Heart Lake grid consisted of 154 samples taken along eight east-west lines spaced 100 meters apart and covering an area around Heart Lake on the Zinger 17, 19,32 and 47 mineral claims.
On the Gold Run Lake grid, sixteen of the 89 samples returned gold values of 100 ppb and more, with a maximum gold value of 403 ppb. Higher values tend to be spread over the grid area with one 4.sample cluster (107 to 297 ppb) near the western end of the middle grid line, approximately 200 meters northwest of Gold Run Lake. On the Heart Lake grid, only nine of the 154 soil samples yielded gold values greater than 100 ppb but values ranged up to 520 ppb Au, and six of the nine higher values were greater than 200 ppb gold. Most of the higher gold values are from west of Heart Lake.
Also in 2000, National Gold Corporation conducted a limited program of rock geochemical sampling (total of 136 rock samples). These samples were collected primarily in the Heart Lake area, where comparatively little exploration work had been undertaken in the past. A few rock samples were taken as a follow-up of work done in 1999. The samples yielded quite high numbers, including 4 samples (3%) exceeding 10 grams per tonne gold. These results have demonstrated widespread gold mineralization in bedrock on the Zinger claims, primarily in the Heart Lake area. Combined with previous rock geochemistry done on the property, they demonstrate anomalous gold over a northeast strike length of 3.5 kilometre and over a northwest cross-strike extent of at least 2.0 kilometre.
In 2002, Chapleau Resources Ltd. conducted a one-day due diligence visit to the Heart Lake area and to the west, on a few previously trenched showings situated on the ridge (Perry Creek-Hellroaring Creek divide). Chip rock sampling of broad pyritic zones of silicification hosting northeast-trending auriferous quartz veins in the Heart Lake area yielded values up to 1.425 grams per tonne gold across 1.5 meters and 3.83 grams per tonne gold across 1.0 meter; grab and composite grab sampling of similar material yielded values to 9.60 grams per tonne gold. Sampling of quartz-chalcopyrite and quartz-galena veins from a pit on the ridge (divide) excavated by explorers in the early 20th century yielded values to 23.7 grams per tonne gold. Sampling of quartz veins and silicified metasediments within several nearby trenches yielded values to 4.43 grams per tonne gold.
In 2003, Chapleau Resource conducted an exploration program of surface prospecting and rock sampling, grid soil sampling and diamond drilling. A total of 1,496 grab and chip rock samples were collected in the course of prospecting. A total of 6,356 grid soil samples were collected. A drilling program included the drilling of 20 NQ diamond drill holes, totaling 3317.2 metres.
Linear mineralized structures on the property cut Middle Proterozoic quartzites and argillites, concordant gabbro sills, and dikes. En echelon mineralized zones of bedding-parallel quartz stockwork with iron carbonate, sericite, and sulphides occur. Gold mineralization in bedrock has been found over approximately 10 kilometres on the Zinger property.
In 2003, Chapleau identified visible gold in a number of showings and in pan concentrates of soil and silt. The company reports that several hundred surface rock grab samples contained anomalous gold with values ranging from several hundred parts per billion to several grams per tonne but some samples assayed 15 to 20 grams per tonne gold. Anomalous gold mineralization over significant widths occurs in a number of holes in the western area of the Zinger property; highlights include 17.5 metres assaying 0.484 grams per tonne gold, including 1.5 metres assaying 1.41 grams per tonne gold, in hole Z-03-16; and 2.0 metres assaying 1.29 grams per tonne gold, including 0.5 metres assaying 2.24 grams per tonne gold, in hole Z-03-15 (Exploration and Mining in BC 2003, page 42). This year’s drilling tested a 2.8 kilometre extent of the northeast-trending anomalous belt.
Chapleau planned further drill testing on the Zinger property in 2004 but no work is recorded for that year or 2005.
In 2009, Ruby Red Resources Inc. completed a geochemical analysis of 37 grab samples, with 24 samples containing at least 0.1 parts per million gold and 9 samples containing at least 1 part per million gold (Assessment Report 31375). In 2010, Ruby Red Resources Inc. changed their name to SG Spirit Gold Inc.
In late 2010 and early 2011, PJX Resources Inc. conducted airborne geophysical surveys that showed magnetic anomalies throughout the Zinger area. It was then recommended to drill these anomalies. In late 2011, PJX Resources Inc. conducted airborne geophysical surveys, which found weak conductive anomalies; additional geophysical surveys were recommended before groundwork and drilling are conducted.
In 2012, PJX Resources Inc. completed a two-hole drill program, which yielded strong results. Hole ZG12-01 was drilled between two widely spaced holes drilled by Chapleau Resources in 2003 (Z-03-13, Z-03-14). The hole had random narrow intervals of anomalous gold mineralization up to 0.35 grams per tonne over one metre. Hole ZG12-02 intersected 2.92 grams per tonne gold over two metres within a broader interval of 0.50 grams per tonne gold over 22.38 metres from a depth of 2.62 metres (bedrock) down to 25 metres (Press Release, PJX Resources Inc., February 18, 2013). Additional anomalous gold mineralization was intersected sporadically in the 188-metre-long hole including a nine-metre section with a weighted average grade of 0.38 grams per tonne gold from 158 to 167 metres.