The McIntosh (Annie) occurrence is located west of Perry Creek and north of Shorty Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1700 metres.
The area is underlain by sedimentary rocks of the middle Creston Formation intruded at their (faulted) contact with Kitchener Formation by diorite sills of the Moyie Intrusions; all these units belong to the mid-Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup.
Locally, several major, north east-striking, “ledges” or silicified zones, up to 5 metres wide and traced for up to 200 metres along strike, are composed of stock works of quartz veinlets with disseminated pyrite cubes and minor galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and hematite. Alteration is principally silicification adjacent to stock worked zones. These zones are hosted in quartzite and argillite of the Creston Formation; microdiorite dikes are found in float in this area and ascribed to a local source by recent work. Both these rock types belong to the mid-Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup, assuming that the microdiorites are part of the Moyie Intrusions.
The main quartz vein is 4 to 15 metres wide and striking 030 degrees, hosted in a chlorite-sericite altered quartzite. It is exposed by a former adit and several trenches over a strike length of 70 metres.
The showings are also known as the Annie occurrence, on which an open-cut exposed an 8-metre wide quartz vein stained by limonite assaying only trace gold.
In 1983, a dump grab sample assayed 1.0 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 11802).
In 1986, a rock sample (CS-21/1621H) of quartz box work with limonite and pyrite from a trench to the west assayed 6.2 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 15649).
In 2002, a dump sample (HS-55) of brecciated sediments and quartz near a contact assayed 0.238 per cent lead, 5.4 grams per tonne silver and 1.71 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 27025).
The occurrence is one of a series of sub-parallel veins, “ledges” or shears that have been historically explored as part of the Perry Creek lode gold property, which includes the Homestake (MINFILE 082FSE012), Columbia (MINFILE 082FSE009), Shakespeare (MINFILE 082FSE119) and British American Corp. or Petra (MINFILE 082FSE121) occurrences.
In 1978, Meridian Resources completed a program of geochemical sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Eclipse group. During 1979 through 1985, Gallant Gold Mines completed programs of rock, soil and silt sampling, trenching, geological mapping and ground electromagnetic and magnetic surveying on the area as the Perry Creek property. In 1987, Chapleau Resources completed a program of soil, silt and rock sampling, trenching and geological mapping on the area as the Racki claims, Morgan property. In 2001 and 2002, National Gold Corporation completed programs of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area immediately west as the HS and Zinger claims. Also, in 2002, Klondike Gold completed a soil sampling program on the area as the PC claims. In 2003, Chapleau Resources conducted an extensive exploration program of surface prospecting, rock and soil sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Zinger property.