The Black Douglas occurrence is located south of Hughes Creek, approximately 2 kilometres south- south west of its confluence with Seeman Creek and at an elevation of approximately 1500 metres.
Regionally, the area is located near the southern end of the Kootenay Arc, a generally north- trending, west- dipping arcuate zone of metavolcanics and metasediments. The area is underlain by successively younger strata from east to west, ranging from the middle Proterozoic (Helikian) Purcell Supergroup in the east (by Kootenay Lake), through the late Proterozoic (Hadrynian) Windermere Supergroup and late Proterozoic (Hadrynian)-lower Cambrian strata of the Hamill Group (Badshot and Mohican formations) and lower Cambrian and younger Lardeau Group to the west. All successions are cut by middle to late Mesozoic intrusive rocks.
The occurrence is hosted in granite of the middle Cretaceous Bayonne Batholith approximately 50 metres down-slope from the same contact with schists that passes through the Wisconsin (MINFILE 082FSE036) property to the west. The country rocks adjacent to the granite are highly metamorphosed through both regional and contact metamorphism to amphibolite facies (staurolite-kyanite according to Map 1714A of the Geological Survey of Canada), but are mapped as belonging to the Monk Formation of the upper Proterozoic Windermere Supergroup.
Mineralization consists of quartz veins, up to 1.5 metres wide, with bunches of galena and sphalerite, narrow in the schist and more persistent in the granite. The main fracture trends 070 degrees and dips steeply in the granite. It is covered with a gossan rich in manganiferous oxides (grading up to 11 per cent manganese) and enriched in gold (a channel sample assayed 22 grams per tonne gold, 237 grams per tonne silver and 1.88 per cent manganese across 1.6 metres (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1946, page 149). In places, the quartz is mineralized with arsenopyrite, but it does not contain gold. The vein has been traced, by trenching, over a distance of 120 metres.
In 1948, samples from the east wall of the shaft yielded up to 80.4 grams per tonne gold and 1262 grams per tonne silver over 1.2 metres (Property File - C.E. Cleveland [1948-11-30]: Report on Black Douglas Prospect).
In 1981, three grab samples of dump material assayed from 6.7 to 28.3 grams per tonne gold and 15.7 to 332.2 grams per tonne silver (Property File - Dutch Creek Resources [1987-10-29]: Prospectus Report on the Wisconsin Property).
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby Wisconsin (MINFILE 082FSE036) occurrence. The occurrence was discovered in 1946 by the Hamilton brothers. By 1948, a short adit, shaft and drift had been constructed for a length of approximately 200 metres. In 1986, Hyperion Industries and Esperanza Explorations completed a program of resistivity and induced polarizations surveys on the area.