The Homestake (Skylark, Park, Victoria) showings are not accurately located, being described only as "on Boundary Creek". Thus, the plotted location could be in error by as much as 10 kilometres. There is no description in the single reference (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1900) of the geology to aid in positioning of the occurrence; hostrock is assumed to be phyllitic siltstones of the Aldridge Formation (Middle Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup), taken from Brown et al. (Fieldwork 1994). Showings at both the Homestake and Skylark consist of grey copper (tetrahedrite) and galena, assumed to be in a quartz vein gangue. On the Homestake, a tunnel was driven 25 metres on the vein, and on the Skylark a shaft traced it down for 15 metres.