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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Oct-1995 by Craig H.B. Leitch (CHBL)

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Name PRINCESS (L.14285), VICTORIA (L.14284), PRINCE (L.14286), MONARCH (L.14287) Mining Division Fort Steele
BCGS Map 082F049
Status Prospect NTS Map 082F08E
Latitude 049º 25' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 116º 13' 49'' Northing 5474061
Easting 555828
Commodities Magnesite Deposit Types E09 : Sparry magnesite
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Princess property consists of the Victoria, Princess, Prince and Monarch Reverted Crown grants (Lots 14284 to 14287 respectively).

Magnesite is exposed at the base and again on the north wall of an irregular cirque at the headwaters of Hellroaring Creek. Magnesite occurs in a bed 3 to 6 metres thick underlain by white quartzite of the Lower Cambrian upper Cranbrook Formation and is overlain by thin bedded, green siliceous argillites of the Lower Cambrian Eager Formation. The stratigraphy is folded into a tight north-trending (020 degrees) syncline with a northerly plunge. There is considerable shearing and fracturing along the trend parallel to the fold axis.

In the floor of the cirque, the bed of magnesite is exposed over a strike length of 131 metres and is exposed again in the north wall of the cirque for 213.4 metres horizontally and a vertical exposure of 122 metres to the top of the ridge. A small opencut exposed a badly sheared and fractured magnesite horizon containing abundant pods and veinlets of quartz. The magnesite varies from pearly grey to buff, is very coarse grained and has a brown weathered surface.

Sample A is a chip sample collected by McCammon (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1964, page 193) across a 10-metre face from the opencut. Sample B is a sample of unknown character reported by Cairnes (1932). All oxides in per cent. Sample MgO CaO Fe(total) SiO2 CO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3+Al2O3 Insoluble A 40.47 0.78 2.07 5.97 44.02 3.98 - - B 42.09 1.79 - 5.92 - - 5.11 2.39

EM GEOS MAP 1998-3
EMPR AR 1901-1006; 1906-251; 1907-217; *1964-193-194
EMPR OF 1987-13, 1999-3
EMPR PF (Notes by G.B. Leech, 1963)
GSC MEM 228, pp. 29,56
GSC OF 929; 2721
GSC P 37-27, p. 17
GSC SUM RPT *1932, Part A, p. 103