The Copper Queen occurrence is located southwest of Mount Irene on the east bank of an unnamed south-flowing tributary of Monk Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1720 metres. The Motherlode (MINFILE 082FSE080) occurrence of similar mineralization may adjoin to the north, at a slightly higher elevation.
Regionally, the area is underlain by quartzite and quartz arenite sedimentary rocks of the Three Sisters Formation; argillite, greywacke, wacke and conglomerate turbidites of the Monk Formation; greenstone and greenschist metamorphic rocks of the Irene Formation and conglomerate and coarse clastic sedimentary rocks of the Toby Formation all of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup. To the west, these units have been intruded by granodioritic rocks of the Cretaceous Anstey pluton, whereas to the north and south, large bodies of Middle Jurassic granitic intrusives are exposed.
Locally, an east-west–trending quartz vein is exposed near a creek and 200 metres downstream in an opencut. The quartz has been exposed over a width of 15 metres, roughly at right angles to the northerly strike of the host greenstone schist (Irene Formation) and dipping 80 degrees south. Visible minerals are quartz, chalcopyrite, hematite, limonite, sericite, malachite, azurite and minor bornite.
In 1956, a 6-metre section at the south end of the mineralized zone yielded values up to 0.17 per cent copper and 0.34 gram per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1956).
In 2017, a chip sample (CR171002-3) from the middle of the mineralized zone yielded 0.654 per cent copper, 0.202 per cent lead and 61.4 grams per tonne silver over 1.5 metres, whereas a chip sample (CR171002-1) from the north end of the zone yielded 0.220 per cent copper and 4.2 grams per tonne silver over 5.0 metres (Assessment Report 37655).
The Copper Queen property was staked prior to 1956 by the owner of the Motherlode (MINFILE 082FSE080) occurrence, which adjoins the Copper Queen to the north.
In 1991, Cominco Ltd. prospected and sampled the area immediately north as the Irene 1-3 claims. In 2017, Crucible Resources Ltd. completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Irene Trend property.