The Constellation occurrence is part of the Iron Range showings which are located near the crest of the ridge that is west of and parallels the south flowing portion of the Goat River. This occurrence is centred on a narrow opencut with hematite mineralization, located on the eastern slope of the ridge, south of Six Mile Creek and north of Highway 3.
The regional geology, deposit description and local geology for this occurence is similar to that of the American Flag occurrence (082FSE016) which lies approximately 8300 metres to the north.
Iron mineralization occurs as massive hematite within siliceous country rocks. This zone is hosted in the Middle Proterozoic Middle Aldridge Formation along the north trending, subvertical Iron Range fault zone. The Aldridge Formation in the vicinity of the showings consists of well bedded quartzofeldspathic wacke, laminated siltstone and quartzite with gabbroic sills and dikes belonging to the Middle Proterozoic Moyie intrusions.
The area has been explored since the late 1890’s and a completed regional exploration history can be found at the O-Ray (MINFILE 082FSE017) occurrence.