The Silver Leaf claim adjoins the Arlington mine (082FNW152) on Speculator Creek, 8 kilometres east-northeast of Slocan. Access is from the Slocan highway via the Springer Creek road, to just east of the confluence of Springer and Speculator creeks.
The property is underlain by what is considered to be the extension of the Arlington shear. The principal workings are a 76- metre prospect crosscut adit to the shear on the Silver Leaf No. 2 and Argentite claims. The mineralization consists of small stringers that could not be extracted for a profit.
Small ore shipments for the period 1947 to 1951 were from a reserve that is reported to have been mined from the Arlington workings and dumped on the Silver Leaf No. 2 claim. Recovery from 40 tonnes of ore totalled 23,949 grams of silver, 2631 kilograms of lead and 2843 kilograms of zinc.