e The Dalhousie property is on the southern slope of the valley of Enterprise Creek, 11 kilometres northeast of Slocan. The claims are 600 to 750 metres above the Enterprise Creek road which is the main access to the area.
The workings comprise two adits, 150 metres apart vertically. The upper adit was driven on a quartz-carbonate vein striking 070 degrees, dipping 45 degrees southeast, and 20 centimetres wide by the portal. The vein contains scattered sphalerite and galena and widens to 0.75 metre at a lead enriched section. The 180-metre long lower adit is reported to have been driven as a crosscut to intersect the same vein. The vein occurs within Nelson granite.
Casco Industries Ltd. operated the Pedro, EO, JJ, Read and Wayland claims in 1972.