The Alice S (Lot 12068) and Paterson (Lot 12069) Crown granted claims are located towards the head of Bettina Creek, 8 kilometres east of Slocan City. Access to the property from the Slocan highway is via the Springer and Bettina Creek roads.
The mine workings include four adits, a few small stopes, and one shallow shaft. These explore a quartz-carbonate vein in a fault zone to a depth of about 50 metres. The host rocks consist of coarse grained, porphyritic granite of the Nelson batholith.. The vein is well mineralized and strikes 095 degrees, dips 70 degrees south and varies in thickness from 0.6 to 1.5 metres. The chief vein minerals are quartz, siderite and some galena and sphalerite.
The only shipment on record was made in 1915 when 14.5 tonnes of ore yielded an average return of 2850 grams per tonne silver and 15 per cent lead.