The property is located at 2580 metres elevation in the pass on the west side of Sunrise Mountain some 40 kilometres north-northeast of Nelson. Early access was by way of a trail up Silver Spray Creek, a tributary of Woodbury Creek. The property lies within Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park.
The Violet and Lookout claims were owned in 1921 by Dr. John Henry and J.M. Currie, of Ainsworth. Development work to that date had been done in two adits: a 15-metre drift adit on the vein, and 18 metres vertically below, a crosscut adit with hanging wall drift totalling 33.5 metres. Near the extremity of the lower adit a raise was driven to the upper adit.
By 1926 the property was owned by Dr. John Henry, W.G. McLanders, and Dan McLennan. Some activity was reported each year until 1931 but details are lacking.
Underlying rock is coarse-grained hornblende potassium-feldspar porphyritic granite. Mineralization occurs within an argillic, altered and silicified northeast trending shear zone situated in the divide between Sunrise Mountain and Mount McQuarrie. Sulphides include galena, pyrite, lesser sphalerite, and "freibergite and silver sulphides (Cairnes, 1935)" in a much altered silicified fault zone.
A grab sample of dump material taken in 1987 assayed 7000 grams per tonne silver, 0.49 gram per tonne gold, 0.13 per cent copper, 16.4 per cent lead, and 3.4 per cent zinc (Open File 1988-11).